Monster Hunter Wilds Armorset Search

MHWilds | MHRise | MHW | MHGU | MHGen | MH4U

74 Gore Helm β
80 Arkvulcan Mail β
74 Gore Vambraces β
74 Gore Coil α
74 Gore Greaves β
0 Counter Charm III
Chain Jewel [3]*1Challenger Jewel [3]*2Mighty Jewel [2]*3Sane Jewel [1]*1Sheath Jewel [1]*3Tenderizer Jewel [3]*1
PointsHeadTorsoArmsWaistLegsCharmDecoTotalActive Skill
Gore Magala's Tyranny11114Black Eclipse II
Scale Layering1113Adrenaline
Constitution123Constitution Lv3
Antivirus1113Antivirus Lv3
Counterstrike33Counterstrike Lv3
Maximum Might33Maximum Might Lv3
Quick Sheathe33Quick Sheathe Lv3
Evade Window112Evade Window Lv2
Weakness Exploit112Weakness Exploit Lv2
Agitator22Agitator Lv2
Coalescence11Coalescence Lv1
Arkveld's Hunger11
Alluring Pelt11
Scaling Prowess11
Flinch Free11Flinch Free Lv1
Burst11Burst Lv1

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